One-Punch Man is a Japanese superhero franchise created by the artist ONE.
It tells the story of Saitama, a superhero who can defeat any opponent with a single punch but seeks to find a worthy foe after growing bored by a lack of challenge due to his overwhelming strength.
On a supercontinent Earth, powerful monsters and villains have been wreaking havoc in the cities. In response, the millionaire Agoni creates the Hero Association, which employs superheroes to fight evil. Saitama, an unassociated hero, hails from City Z and performs heroic deeds for his own enjoyment. He has trained himself to the point of being able to defeat any enemy with a single punch, but his unmatched strength has left him with an overwhelming sense of boredom.
Install this extension and enjoy HD wallpapers of One Punch Man every time you open a new tab in Google Chrome.
This new tab extension brings you a large variety of high definition images of One Punch Man. You can launch a slideshow and enjoy an awesome wallpaper animation. You can also shuffle all wallpapers, or only your favorites. We add new pictures regularly. You can customize the background and add up to 20 pictures of your own if you want.
Search the web using Bing or select Google instead. Get quick access to your most visited sites, chrome apps like Gmail, games, or quick reminder with To-Do List right on the extension. Date, time, temperature, weather forecast, and even music can be shown on One Punch Man new tab if you need. You can enjoy all these features for free!
One Punch Man New Tab is your gateway to a beautiful journey where you can personalize everything to your liking and stay on top of things by getting organized and track your to-do list.